SupporGoals and Objectives

  1. To increase participation in RIASBO-sponsored events.
  2. To increase and maintain membership in RIASBO.
  3. To develop and implement broad-based professional development programs for all school activities.
  4. To continue partnerships with Bryant University and Roger Williams University and explore other educational partnerships to provide educational opportunities in support of school business administration.
  5. To continue to seek out collaborative opportunities with other professional organizations.
  6. To be recognized and consulted as the expert in the school business profession by both local and state policy makers.

Action Plan Charts

1. To increase participation in RIASBO sponsored events

What Who How When
1. Increase communication to include Municipal Finance Officers and Human Resource Directors, School Department Buildings & Grounds Personnel, and Superintendents. Membership and Executive Director

Member Inquiry via meeting notice



Review list of attendees at meetings and see who we are not reaching.

Executive Board and Executive Director

Agenda Item under membership twice per year  September, 2014 and February, 2015


Post calendar of meetings on website and distribute tentative calendar of meetings for the year

Executive Board and Executive Director Email and website By August


2. To increase and maintain membership in RIASBO.

What Who How When
1. Maintain or increase sponsor memberships

Executive Director

Mail, e-mail and outreach



Increase Charter School Members by two

Executive Director

Use Department of Education Directory and outreach  Ongoing


Semi-annually review recruitment plan to the Executive Board

Executive Director & Membership Subcommittee

Recruitment Proposal

November & May


Review Membership

Executive Director & Membership Subcommittee  Paid Membership  Ongoing


Explore expansion of associate memberships

Membership Subcommittee Outreach to business office staff, human resources and other support staff Spring, 2015


3. To develop and implement broad-based professional development 
     programs for all school activities.

What Who How When

Conduct, review and evaluate current professional development opportunities.

Executive Board and Ad Hoc Professional Development Committee

At Executive Board Meetings



Survey members after each professional development session to determine effectiveness of the professional development and making sure member interests and needs for continuing professional development are met

Co-chairs of Committee

Disseminate survey during meeting

After professional development sessions at regular membership meetings


Compile, analyze and prioritize data

Co-chairs of Committee

Review surveys at Executive Board Meeting

Nex regular board meeting immediately following regular membership meeting


Organize professional development activities pursuant to member survey results

Executive Board

Review priority list and schedule activities.



Key national and local issues posted regularly on website

Executive Director

Website support for members

As needed


Meet with RIDE to collaborate on current issues

Executive Committee

Meet with Chief of Fiscal Integrity & Efficiencies



4. To continue partnerships with Bryant University and Roger Williams University to provide educational opportunities in support of school business administration.

What Who How When

Finalize the program of studies and certification requirements with Bryant University and RIDE

Education Subcommittee

Meet with Bryant University and RIDE

August 2043-August 2015


Partner with Roger Williams University to provide high quality professional development to our membership

Education and Membership Subcommittees

Meet with Roger Williams University



Promote partnerships, course and professional development offerings to membership and other stakeholders

Executive Board and Executive Director

Website and Outreach



5. To continue to seek out collaborative opportunities with other professional 
     organizations and state agencies.

What Who How When

Collaborate with other organizations such as RISTIE and GFOA for professional development activities.

Executive Board and Executive Director

Outreach to other organizations through attendance at meetings and personal contacts.



Continue joint efforts with Superintendents' and School Committee Associations and RIDE

Executive Board and Executive Director

Joint Meetings

As required


Collaborate with State agencies such as OAG, Office of Municipal Affairs, ERSRI.

Executive Board

Outreach to other organizations through attendance at meetings and personal contacts.



Explore the feasibility of supporting a candidate for national office on ASBO's Executive Board

Executive Board and Executive Director Gather and analyze data from other New England ASBOs who have successfully elected candidates

Late Spring 2016


6. To be recognized and consulted as the expert in the school business profession by
     both local and state policy makers.

What Who How When

Identify and pursue pertinent legislative issues by providing consultation and guidance

Legislative Subcommittee and Executive Board

Testify and give input to our legislators and collaborate with RISSA and RIDE on common issues

As required


Present a session on UCOA data useage at a national conference

Executive Board, ASBO National Conference in Boston October 2015

Support RI Districts' participation in pursuing Meritorious Budget Award 

Executive Board and Ad Hoc Executive Committee Review Team Assist a maximum of four (4) school districts who are ASBO members and are interested in applying Ongoing


Provide information to general membership regarding availability of national awards and encourage participation Executive Board and Executive Director General Membership Meeting Ongoing


Share out ideas to membership Membership General Membership Meeting Ongoing

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